Christophoros Christophorou.

/Christophoros Christophorou.

About Christophoros Christophorou.

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todelete The Referendum of 2004

By |2023-03-05T13:56:13+00:00March 5th, 2023|Categories: TC Referendums|

The Referendum for the Annan Plan in the Turkish Cypriot Community   On 11 November 2002, the Secretary General of the United Nations handed to the Greek Cypriot and the Turkish Cypriot sides a comprehensive plan for the settlement of the Cyprus Problem. The plan was labeled as The Annan Plan, named after Kofi [...]

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The European elections of 2004 – The results

By |2023-12-16T11:42:26+00:00January 15th, 2023|Categories: European Parliament Elections|

The first European elections, 13 June 2004 (Votes) Pancyprian Nicosia Famagusta Larnaka Limassol Pafos Registered 483311 198597 25906 80514 135624 42670 Voted 350387 141201 19638 59933 97752 31863 Abstention 132924 57396 6268 20581 37872 10807 Blank 7372 2284 844 1611 2009 624 Invalid 8747 2916 767 1570 2532 962 Valid 334268 136001 18027 [...]

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The first European elections, 13 June 2004

By |2023-03-05T15:35:13+00:00January 15th, 2023|Categories: European Parliament Elections|

The first European elections, 13 June 2004 Around six weeks after May 1, 2004, the day of the enlargement of the European Union with ten new members, the first European elections were held in Cyprus, for the six members that would represent Cyprus in the European Parliament. The poll took place on 13 June [...]

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Referendum 2004 – results

By |2023-03-05T13:41:28+00:00January 15th, 2023|Categories: TC Referendums|

The Referendum on the Annan Plan, in the TC Community, 24 April 2004 (Votes) Totals Nicosia Kerynia Famagusta Morfou Trikomo Registered 143639 45093 26568 37734 19490 14754 Voted 121162 38389 22103 31879 16732 12059 Abstention 22477 6704 4465 5855 2758 2695 Valid 119618 38036 21816 31438 16514 11814 Invalid 1544 353 287 441 [...]

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