The Referendum on the Annan Plan, in the TC Community, 24 April 2004 (Votes)

Totals Nicosia Kerynia Famagusta Morfou Trikomo
Registered 143639 45093 26568 37734 19490 14754
Voted 121162 38389 22103 31879 16732 12059
Abstention 22477 6704 4465 5855 2758 2695
Valid 119618 38036 21816 31438 16514 11814
Invalid 1544 353 287 441 218 245
YES 77702 26907 13744 19877 10660 6514
NO 41916 11129 8072 11561 5854 5300

The Referendum on the Annan Plan in the TC Community, 24 April 2004 (Share %)

Totals Nicosia Kerynia Famagusta Morfou Trikomo
Registered 143639 45093 26568 37734 19490 14754
voted 84,35 85,13 83,19 84,48 85,85 81,73
abstention 98,73 99,08 98,70 98,62 98,70 97,97
valid 15,65 14,87 16,81 15,52 14,15 18,27
Invalid 1,27 0,92 1,30 1,38 1,30 2,03
YES 64,96 70,74 63,00 63,23 64,55 55,14
NO 35,04 29,26 37,00 36,77 35,45 44,86

The Referendum on the Annan Plan, 24 April 2004 per Group of Communities (Votes)

The Referendum on the Annan Plan, 24 April 2004 per Group of Communities (Share %)